Emerald Club Terms and Conditions Update - January 2019

What action is required on my part?

Members residing in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom must explicitly consent to the revised version of the Agreement in order to be bound by it. To consent to the revised terms, you need to log onto their Emerald Club account.

For Members residing in other countries, no action is required.

Under the terms of the agreement, the changes are applicable to all Emerald Club rentals on or after January 1, 2019. If after reviewing the updated terms and conditions you do not wish to accept them, you can cancel your membership by contacting Member Services at 8421 St. John Industrial Way, St. Louis, MO 63114, or 1-800-962-7070, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time seven days a week.

Why are you changing the terms and conditions of my Emerald Club membership?

We modified the terms and conditions to improve the services or reflect the business needs of the Emerald Club program, to provide additional clarification, and to comply with legal requirements.

Have you taken any benefits away?

No we haven’t changed your membership level or how you achieve membership tier status. You will keep all of your rental credits, and the way you earn credits and redeem free days stays the same.

What changes have you made to the Agreement?

The following is a high level summary of the key changes to the Emerald Club Agreement. It is meant as a brief overview and not as exhaustive list of all changes to the agreement. You are encouraged to review the entire agreement before making your next Emerald Club rental.

  • Modified list non-participating Enterprise locations in the United States and Canada
  • Updated mandatory arbitration agreement
  • Updated Tollpass service to include pre-installed devices
  • Updated dirty vehicle definition
  • Added text and call consent language
  • Updated Vehicle Data collection and use language
  • My corporate travel manager wants to know how, if at all, these revisions will impact our corporate agreement.

    Corporate agreements are not mentioned in this document. Each corporate agreement should be considered independently. If you or your travel manager feels there is a conflict, you should direct any questions to your legal team.

    Why is the agreement so long?

    The length of the agreement is due to the master rental agreement language which must include all of the vehicle rental disclosure requirements for most of the fifty states in the United States, Canada, Belgium, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

    Still have questions?

    Find out which number to call or email us for assistance.